Saturday, October 15, 2011

Why African Mango Diet Pills Give Good Results: The How, Why, When, What, and Where of African Mangoes

By Betty W. Wilson

Many were astonished with the news that a certain mango from Africa ca help lose weight. The mango, named as the African Mango, has been found to be the newest solution when it comes to fighting obesity. It resembles much like a normal mango, but deep inside that "normality", a very powerful inhibitor lies hidden and now has been discovered by researchers.

What are African Mangoes?

African mangoes are also called Irvingia Gabonensis and they are very abundant in the rainforest of Nigeria and Cameroon. These mangoes are different because they contain chemicals that helps people lose weight naturally.

So Where Does African Mango Came From?

African mangoes are thriving abundantly in the regions of Africa and they are widely available in the country.

The Date When African Mangoes Were Discovered

In the year 2005, the Nutrition, HIV and Health Research Unit of the University of Yaound Cameroon conducted a study of these African mangoes and found out about their slimming properties. They made a supplement out of it and gave them to test subjects and the results were astonishing! In just 28 days, the study showed a decrease of about 2.37% of body weight of those who were given the supplements. From that time on, African mangoes have been associated with weight loss.

The How's and Why's of African Mangoes

1. Safety

There are a lot of diet pills out there and one must be confused of which to choose but the most important factor to be realized is that safety of the user must be the priority and that's what these African Mango Diet Pills is about. Its safety, published by various clinical tests made by various health organizations, is easy to understand since it comes from a natural product and was not made synthetically.

2. Powerful Appetite Inhibitor

A diet pill is not effective if it makes you feel hungry because you will not lose weight for that reason. Now, the African mango diet pill is a very powerful and effective appetite suppressant because it contains Leptin. Here is how it goes. Neuropeptide Y and gherlin production are the 2 substances in the body that can influence a person to eat more so what the African Mango does is that it restricts these hormones with the help of Leptin. In return, your hunger will be controlled. On the other hand, there is a lack of hunger so you don't want to eat which can really help in losing weight. Not only does Leptin suppress one's appetite, it also converts fat in to lean muscle and helps to achieve in a permanent weight loss. Leptin is also beneficial to one's health because studies show that the lack of Leptin can cause major health problems to a person.

3. Approved By Health Experts

The safety of using the African Mango Diet pill has been proved and confirmed at the independent clinical tests made by various health organizations.

4. Eliminates Bad Cholesterol

African mango contains high soluble fiber which eliminates the bad cholesterol and the undesirable substances from the colon walls including toxins and fats.

5. Powerful Appetite Inhibitor

Because African mango contains high soluble fiber, it helps eliminate the bad cholesterol including other toxins.

With these benefits one can get in taking African Mango Diet Pills, no one will ever be obese again- even without lifting a finger!

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