Monday, October 24, 2011

Seven Benefits of Kettlebell Training - Part 1

By Michael Anthony

There are numerous benefits to working out with kettlebells. Many people prefer it for its easy transport. Other peole like it because it is a full body workout all at the same time. You came across this article because you are probably interested in losing fat or gaining lean muscle. Maybe you want to do both at the simultaneously. The kettlebell is ideal for that. As if those reasons are not enough to start swinging a kettlebell, here are a several more benefits of the art of kettlebell training.

First of all, kettlebells are perfect for working out in your own home. This is one of the greatest qualities of this unique kind of working out because you do not have to go to the gym to get in shape. Exercising at home gives you freedom from gym membership costs. Also, you save a lot of time and money because you are not required to travel every time you want to have a exercise session. Even if you only have thirty minutes before work, you can get right to it without having to wait.

But the most frustrating thing by far about gyms is not the membership fees and the time it takes to get there. The most frustrating part of going to the gym is dealing with the other members. You at the lowest setting, or with the least amount of weight, and after a couple seconds you begin feeling the burn. Yep, you start to feel pretty good about your workout. That is, until you turn to either side and notice the people on either side of you. On your right is a totally built up bodybuilder, and to the left is a slim and fit model.

It is sometimes difficult to feel like you fit in at a gym. Exercising at home is the perfect remedy for the average person trying to get fit. You can avoid the watching eyes of other people and concentrate on your training without feeling awkward. Also, you will not need to wait for someone else to finish before you can use a machine.

The 2nd benefit of training with kettlebells is that they are easily transportable. You can bring them just about any place. I love training outdoors on a sunny day. Often I will even bring my kettlebells to the park and train with a friend.

It is also very easy to store them when you need them out of the way. A closet is a good place to store them. Many models can fit beneath a bed.

The third great benefit of exercising with a kettlebell is that it provides a true core workout. One of the aspects often neglected or overlooked while exercising out is the importance of the core and back. Whether you are standing, sitting, or lying down, most of your weight is supported by your spine. Therefore, it is important to strengthen your core. The core is made up of of the back, sides, and front of the torso. Having a strong one will not only make you look slimmer and more fit, but it will prevent injury. Also, it will prevent and eliminate pain in the back and help you feel better all the time.

Make sure to read the second part of this article to read 4 more benefits of training with kettlebells.

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