Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Types Of Grains

By Joshua Adekane

Protein and fiber are salient components of your daily diet. These are found in nuts and grains which may be purchased in bulk, which is a budget-wise method to make sure you and your family gets protein and fiber plus other important nutrients every day. Each grain and nut type has a specific nutrient content helpful to the body no to mention its own unique taste and texture. Some grains and nuts may be stored for a long time while others need to be consumed immediately. Grains and nuts also have uniform shelf-life for each type so you can consume them according to their shelf life.

Finding Barley

Barley may be availed with or without the hulls. Barley is a grain that has 40% more fiber than wheat so including this in your diet stimulates elimination of unwanted waste products. Since it contains riboflavin, lysine, thiamine and Vitamin E it is a finely balanced member of the protein family that have many positive benefits. Pearl or un-hulled barley are the most common barley forms. This variety is bought ready without the hull and bran layers anymore. This barley cooks faster than the un-hulled ones but has less fiber than the latter. You will find barley in shops where nuts and grains are sold in sacks and bulk.

Finding Flax

Flax is also becoming very popular nowadays because flax seed oil is also found in the ever popular barley. Flax seed oil is rich in essential nutrients. Flax seed aids in peristalsis and digestion as it has high contents of fatty acids, soluble fiber as well as some proteins. Flax helps in aiding the proper functioning of the heart and the nervous system. Flax is usually stored in tight containers. When flax is correctly stored, it may even last for more than a year. You may put in a little flax onto any food that you love to eat. Daily recipes will taste better if you sprinkle or add a little amount, plus, it will aid in your digestion.

Finding Oats

Oats are high in fiber and helpful fats which aid in elimination of bad cholesterol from the body. Oats may be made into wonderful snacks like porridge and cookies. It contains essential minerals and vitamins B and E so you must include it in your diet. Oats can be able to take cholesterol out of the blood because it contains glucans or polymers that are taken from glucose like starches. You can include oats to cookies or yoghurt or make into hot cereal. Flour created from oats is perfect for making breads healthier, good for your pasta or other wheat baked products. Store them in a container that is airtight.

Getting Buckwheat

Maybe you've heard about buckwheat pancakes? It has a distinct flavor and usually comes un-hulled. You can incorporate half of any yeast bread flour using buckwheat flour to produce great-tasting muffins and breads. This grain is does not do well perfectly when stored for a long time. If you want to buy it as bulk grains only purchase what you can use soon.

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